When will we see our photos?

During peak wedding season photos can take from 8-16 weeks to be complete. I carefully edit every photo to ensure a quality product and this sometimes takes a little extra time, but it's worth it. In the meantime I try to post a teaser of every session on my facebook page within a week of shooting it.

When is our package payment due?

Your save the day retainer of $700 is due at the time of contract signing, 50% of the remaining balance plus applicable taxes is due 6 months before your wedding date and the remaining balance is due 30 days before your wedding date.


I use top of the line Nikon photography equipment and can't stress enough the importance of having a back up of everything.

Who shoots my wedding?

I believe in providing a very personal experience to all of my clients, so it will always be me that shoots your wedding. From the initial meeting or email right down to the delivery of your photos, I will be with you! I do have an assistant and
there is an option to add a second shooter (I can't be everywhere at once after-all) but those particular photos will be taken with my style in mind.

Do you travel?

I do! I often travel to shoot weddings all over my province, I'm also available for destination weddings as well! Please email for a destination wedding custom quote.

Do we have to provide you with a meal?

Typically if there is a reception with a sit down meal, it's appreciated that a meal is provided to both myself and my assistant, as well as a place on the seating chart. I'll typically discuss best seating position based on location and set up. Providing meals allows me to capture your day as it's happening without interruption, as if no meal is provided I will need to leave the reception for 30-60 minutes to get a meal myself.